“Hey, are you on your way?” “Yep. I’ll be there soon!” “Great! I can’t wait to see you!” “Yeah, me neither-ah!” Screech….! Statistics show that 1.3 million of car crashes are due to cell phone use while driving. Such a simple thing like using a cell phone, just while driving, has an enormous effect. It claims thousands of lives. Not only to the driver, But to any passenger inside the car, any other cars involved, or for a matter of fact, anyone around at the time of the crash.But it also affects people who could be thousands of miles away, yet still feel the pain of their lost loved ones. These cell phones have greatly impacted the lives of people. Whether it’s an unfortunate event, or keeping in touch with close family and friends. They can save a life, be a blessing, or seem like the cause of an emotional disaster.


It is completely normal to not be able to see loved ones for an extended period of time, and there will obviously be times when you miss them greatly. And that’s where the cell phones come in. For example, let’s say a fourteen year old girl moved over 1,000 miles away from all of her friends and family. She would feel the need to keep in touch will all of them, but with her busy schedule, a house phone can’t always finish the job. The solution to this problem is the cell phone, which creates the drastic effect on people. Another is that it can save the thing most people hold dear. Their lives. Multiple stories are broadcasted each day about missing people, along with robberies, murders, etc. But there would likely be an infamous increase if we didn’t carry these take-me-everywhere life savers in our pockets and purses. Likewise, while a 16 year old girl is walking home from a friends house late at night, a man with a dark mask grabs her. If she is able to release from his grip, she can call family, or 911. If she isn’t able to flee from the grip of fear and death, someone around could call 911. If these cell phones hadn’t been created, the world would carry an extravagant amount of more heartbreak and loss. They can be portable live savers, and not just the candy’s.


Along with the good outcomes, there has to be a downside as well. One of these is losing a loved one due to cell phone use while driving. For example, a woman named Kena H. lost her best friend due to texting and driving. This best friend, was her younger brother. He was a single father of two and had an extremely strong bond with his family, along with his fiance. She was also in the vehicle at the time of the crash. But she had survived due to him wrapping his arms around her when he noticed that they were going to crash. An incredible life was lost in the blink of an eye. And even in his last moments, he was an incredibly heroic man. The best lives can be lost due to driving while operating a phone. Another downside to cell phones is bullying. This is sadly a common factor in today’s world. For example,many people know about the Amanda Todd story. She was in 7th grade, and met a man on a live video chat where he convinced her to do something inappropriate. He took a picture without her knowing, and contacted her a year later. Once again he asked her to do something inappropriate and she said no. So this corrupt man threatened to release that photo he took a year ago. Once again, she refused. Next thing she knew, her photo was viral and there was nothing she could do to stop it. Long story short, after repeatedly changing schools, she still continued to be excessively bullied,so she resorted to cutting. After a first failed attempt at suicide by drinking bleach, she was beat up at school and only had enough energy to crawl into a ditch, where her father later found her. After that day, she recorded a video on YouTube telling her story on flash cards. Her body was later found at her home on October 10, 2012. All of this tragedy started with the stupid device we know as a cell phone. One stupid mistake on a cell phone, and it was life ending. This is a way too common overall use for cell phones.

In conclusion, cell phones have changed the lives of people forever. It has created an outlet for stress, joy, pictures, and plenty more. They have impacted this world for the good, and the bad. Whether it’s a 14 or 15 year old girl in trouble, both problems are solved with the cell phone. Then there is Kena H. and Amanda Todd who both had incredibly bad connections with cell phones.These pieces of plastic can better lives or worsen. The only person who can pick it for themselves is reading this right now.